Thursday, May 19, 2011

Product & Service Spotlight: Aloe Foot & Callus Rub, Foot Polish

We're finally beginning to see some sunshine!! YAY! How ready are your feet for flip-flop and sandal season? If your feet have calluses, rough spots, are very dry/cracked, or you're just interested in preventing those things, my spotlight product Aloe Foot & Callus Rub and Foot Polish service would be helpful for you.

Aloe Foot & Callus Rub cools hot, tired feet, softens calluses and corns. When I massage your feet, this is the stuff I use. Contains 60% aloe, vitamins A & E, and menthol. Currently, I have samples available for you to try out, and I plan to stock up again soon on the 4oz size. If you'd like to have some to keep your feet super soft throughout the summer, let me know soon so I can be sure to order yours. Planning to place my order in the next week. Samples are $1 each, the 4oz size is $11.

The Foot Polish may not be what you expect. The polish is really a scrub, not nail polish. You'll begin with soaking your feet in foot bath with some Lavender Wash for 10 minutes. I'll apply some Lavender Wash directly on callused areas. Then, I'll remove your feet one at a time and towel dry, lightly misting with Aloe Misting Spray. I'll then apply a cream made with Foot & Callus Rub and Comfrey Gel to your feet and lower legs, covering with plastic film, then warm towel. These stay on for 10 minutes, then I'll polish your feet and legs with a scrub cloth soaked in heated Aloe Vera Liquid. Next, I'll pat you dry with a warm towel, apply Cuticle Aid and small amount Foot & Callus Rub. 

This service can be added on to a massage for $10, or $20 as a stand-alone service. You are welcome to purchase a scrub cloth. Small size is $6, large is $9. Aloe Vera Liquid and Cuticle Aid are also available in sample sizes for $1 each. 

1 comment:

  1. Heal your cracked heels with the best foot soak we provided. Cracked heels are painful and somehow make discomfort and reduce beauty of your foot. So get rid of this problem by using the best foot soak for cracked heels . Visit our site to know more remedies for cracked heels and calluses.
