I'm seeing more often, or at least more clearly, that people often say they want to make changes in their lives, but just don't give it what it takes to get it done. It amazes me how many times I have to read some suggestion before I believe in it enough to utilize it, but once I do, I reach my goals so much faster and wonder why I hadn't just done it the first time I came across it.
What I am understanding better now, is that as much as we will decide we want something in life, we aren't always ready to get it right away. Sometimes other changes have to take place first to prepare us, or help us see that what we thought we wanted doesn't really help us fulfill the needs of our souls.
That's getting deeper than I intended here, and I'll get back on track.
In terms of our bodies, we may be holding tension and need a massage to feel better, but don't always book the appointment. We instead make ourselves believe we don't deserve it, or can't afford it. I understand. I've been there. Heck, I AM there. Here's my confession: it's been 4 months since my last massage. For a while, I had a mental block against letting myself get another one because I still owed my therapist buddy from our last trade. I've now repaid that debt to her, and even got my appointment booked with her, but had to cancel thanks to a darn cold. And now our schedules are not matching up and I'm really starting to feel how overdue I am.
My mental block is gone now, and I am fully ready to go do some "market research"--that's my fancy way of being able to write off paying for a massage--and try out a different therapist. I do love to trade with my usual buddy, but I also like to pick up on new techniques from other therapists too. And I need a massage.
I also feel like I give a better massage after I've gotten one. I suppose it refreshes in my mind how my client is feeling during their session and what I can do to make it their best massage.
Hopefully, by next week, I'll be able to share all about my latest massage and have a few new techniques to put to work.
When you are ready to experience them for yourself, I will be here, and will be happy to help you reach your goals.