Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Dose of Inspiration: Balancing Time

A week managed to pass me by without getting my last blog written. 

My email started piling up again.

I had a 3day weekend, enjoying time with family, soaking up some R & R with a sick kid.

Yep. Excuses. We all have them. So this morning, I set myself back on track, nevermind hitting snooze and all my other begrudgements. 

First things first, I spent 45 minutes on the phone correcting my order for brochures, business cards, etc. Couldn't let a terrific price slip by. And then....procrastination about that blog came rushing back. The email inbox daunting me all over.

Small steps. Chip away at the email, delete the things that are quick to make decisions about.

Harder steps. There's still more email than I'd like to see. Dig deeper. I read the posts on blogs of two other people--one is also a massage therapist, the other is a marketing guru. Both got me moving. And by reading them, a part of my goals were met (eliminating the email beast), my procrastination dwindled (taking action!!).

Besides meeting my goal of actually posting this blog, what IS my point? Balancing time is an on-going struggle for me, which I fully admit. But I'm also hoping to show my struggles in a way to help others realize they aren't alone, and to reach success in life together, one small accomplishment at a time. 

Tell me your struggles, tricks, and accomplishments in the comments below.


  1. Make time to read this! http://blog.drshannonreece.com/2011/05/30/72-personal-accountability-tips-for-solopreneurs/

    Another lightbulb switched on for me. I much needed this!

  2. It always amazes me how quickly we lose track of our most daily tasks---especially the "don't want to" things! Thanks for sharing this article. I find that if I can stop listening to all the stuff that goes on in my head cause it's now on the schedule...I can really take R&R time and relish in it for being the most wonderful time of all :)

  3. Glad you enjoyed and found benefit from this. It has made a BIG difference in my life in the past couple weeks.

  4. As I re-read my original post, I see that I used the word "struggle" 3 times. It came to my attention now because I'd just recently read a comment on a different forum where the woman shared her experience in learning to stop using the word "struggle" and replaced that word with more positive words, or rephrasing it altogether, such as, "I'm working on this issue" or "I'm dealing this issue" or "I'm playing with this issue" or even "I'm dancing with this issue" rather than "I"m struggling with this issue," and how it gave her a more positive attitude when faced with those types of issues.

    It also reminds me of Scott Ginsberg's perspective on "aspiring (whatevers--authors, artists, etc)." He says you either ARE, or you AREN'T, but "aspiring" is selling yourself short.

    If we're always "struggling" or "aspiring," we never will reach our goal then, will we? Commit. Do it. Achieve. Be happy.
